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5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do with Microsoft Teams

5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do with Microsoft Teams

How has your day-to-day work life changed since the COVID-19 pandemic. 很有可能你更喜欢在线会议,并且你已经把Teams作为你最喜欢的会议应用程序. 随着疫情爆发,大批人开始远程工作,团队使用率大幅上升. In fact, from March to June 2020, Teams use grew more than 894%. Depending on how your organization is working these days, 您可能仍然依赖于团队为您的现场和远程工作人员举行会议, 但你有没有发现团队还可以做些什么来帮助每个人更有效地工作呢? Teams is […]

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“Is This Email Real?” 4 Questions to Ask Yourself

Every day every person with email is put to the test. No matter the job title or position, we all get phishing emails. And no matter your knowledge of cybersecurity, you make the initial decision of whether a message is malicious. So, when deciding whether to call the IT Help Desk, here are some solid, 简单的提示和技巧,从顶部帮助任何人躲避坏人的网络钓鱼钩, nets, and spearguns. 不是每个人都有时间打电话给他们的IT提供商的远程支持,只是为了每天早上检查电子邮件. You can follow the ‘WHO, WHAT, WHERE, AND WHEN’ […]

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Social Distancing: Learn to Maintain Your Same Productivity Standards

The world is adapting and reacting. 公司要求员工保持社交距离,以应对当前的大流行, 员工和管理者都意识到确保业务连续性所面临的挑战. 而“社交距离”现象则解决了眼前的问题, 如果企业不学会保持生产力标准,那么从长远来看,保持社交距离可能对企业不起作用. That is to say, 办公环境的巨大变化使企业进入了一种新的模式, which has raised concerns about the productivity standards. 从管理人与人之间的互动,到在隔离状态下安排一个典型的工作日, everything heightens […]

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Improved Remote Meetings: Get the most out of the gear you already have

在你买了超高清摄像头和降噪耳机之前,远程会议的最佳实践, 试试这些远程会议的建议,以最大限度地利用你已经拥有的设备. Tip #1. Test every earpiece & microphone combination. Microsoft Teams makes it easy to make a test call. Try every device that you own. You may be surprised by which [one performs best. 事实证明,我的三星Galaxy S6自带的有线耳机和麦克风比我的两个蓝牙设备听起来更好. My laptop’s microphone also performed nicely. You can […]

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Productivity Tips That Work for Tech Enthusiasts

不可否认,几十年来,技术一直在推动全球不同行业的改进和创新. 尽管采用许多技术解决方案乍一看似乎具有破坏性, they are essential investments that help enterprises gain an edge. Regardless of the size, 信息技术帮助企业或公司在市场上保持竞争力和相关性. Unfortunately, not all businesses, such as mid-sized companies and startups, 是否能够为员工提供技术工具以帮助他们获得竞争优势. 虽然动态IT环境的高成本是许多人的主要障碍,但[…]

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IT User Training

Don’t Think IT Solutions Are Complete without User Training. 对于运行良好的IT操作,一个经常被低估的因素是与最终用户进行有效沟通和培训的能力. 它的缺失常常导致计算机人员设计系统的方式与人们实际使用系统的方式之间的脱节. 有几个因素被广泛认为是IT项目成功和IT组织整体有效性的关键因素. 它们包括确保IT与定义良好且易于理解的业务目标保持一致, that executive management supports the IT department’s efforts, […]

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Know Your IT Strategy Priorities

让IT与您的业务保持一致的关键是考虑到小型企业在IT中可用的方法和选择的多样性, 一定数量的战略规划可确保您的业务应用技术,以及它应该. To be reasonably effective and applicable, strategic planning needs context, 这意味着在开始考虑IT应该如何适应之前,您应该对您的总体优先级有一个非常好的认识. 我们已经定义了九个与it相关的优先级,以帮助理解我们的客户如何处理技术. We ask our clients to force rank the […]

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Online Meetings

They’re more useful than you may realize. 通过Webex和GoToMeeting等解决方案进行在线会议已经有近20年的历史了, and not a whole lot has changed over that time. Today, as before, 它们允许人们通过音频或视频会议以及屏幕或文档共享在互联网上实时协作. But despite their relative longevity, stability and usefulness, I find that online meetings are still extremely underutilized. Not that I don’t understand the importance of in person meetings — interpersonal relationships are surely the key to many business deals; rather I have come to […]

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Data Analytics: Not Just Numbers

数据分析不仅变得越来越普遍,而且对商业也越来越有用. As someone with a mathematical, financial and technological background, 我强烈支持通过分析和使用数据来做出更好决策的好处. Not surprisingly, then, 我很高兴看到一些趋势和新兴技术有望帮助实现这一目标. 首先,数据源变得更加开放,更容易连接. This trend exists in virtually all modern applications. 我们这些在新奥尔良生活或工作的人感兴趣的一个例子是[…]

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Not Just Core Networks: The New Role of IT Services

Demands have changed in this cloud-based world. 随着云和其他发展不断改变小企业部署和使用技术的方式, IT departments must adapt. 大多数IT环境看起来都是一样的——壁橱里有几台Windows服务器,每张桌子上都有一台Windows PC——所有IT部门都必须担心管理核心网络的日子已经一去不复返了. 现在我们看到了各种不同的方法和大量可用的应用程序. 作为一个坚定的信念,技术有能力在一个典型的小企业中产生有意义的变化[…]

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